Account Management

There’s a lot that can happen during your contract and we’ve got a department that specialises in those queries you’re not quite sure how to handle. Any tasks at all, from moving a physical meter, to notification of a change of tenancy can be handed over to our dedicated account management team to manage from step one to completion. No more calls to suppliers, no more waiting on hold, this team is your one stop shop for any issues or changes.

Summary of benefits

  • Concerns or queries that you have will be handled by this team.
  • Change of tenancies
  • Organisation of meter installations and removals
  • Point of contact throughout your contract, they will liaise with other departments and suppliers to resolve any problems.
  • Assistance with smart meter installations
  • Assistance with billing queries
  • Changing billing preferences
  • Advice on VAT
  • Reporting meter faults
  • Pre-payment meter swap outs
  • New acquisitions/additions to portfolio
Disclaimer - We are unable to liaise with domestic suppliers but on these occasions, we will provide guidance to the customer to liaise directly themselves

A Guide to Objections

During the energy switching process, if your incumbent supplier stops your supply from leaving them, this is known as an ‘objection’.

Your supplier can only object to the transfer in specific circumstances.

  • You owe your supplier money - If you have a debt that has been outstanding for 28 days or more with your current supplier.
  • You are bound contractually – If you are within a fixed term contract, and/or notice of termination is required and has not yet been provided to your current supplier.

Please note: Micro-businesses are no longer required to provide termination notices, with the exception of evergreen contracts.

If your supplier interrupts your transfer, they must explain why. If you have arranged a contract through Utility Aid, and you receive a letter from your current supplier letting you know they have objected to the transfer, please get in touch with your Utility Aid Account Manager, or with our Account Management Team via our email address support @

Our Objections Team will provide expert advice, and work with you to help ensure your switch is successful. Many suppliers have restrictions on the amount of switch attempts they will make, so please get in touch as soon as possible so we can help to prevent your chosen supplier from abandoning registration and cancelling the contract.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how our award-winning customer service can help you and your organisation!