Week 6 - Guide Dogs for the Blind | NJIB
This week my heart was stolen. Yes, I all know what you’re thinking; you have Freddie. But when you are in a puppy pen for an hour cuddling 7-week-old puppies, however much you love your own dog you can’t help but leave a small piece of your heart in the room.
Monday morning I was awake at 6am. I genuinely was so excited I had my breakfast by 6.30 and was watching BBC news waiting for it to be ‘late enough’ to leave so I wasn’t so ridiculously early at the National Training Centre in Leamington Spa. I arrived shortly after 9am ready to get stuck in. I was greeted by Pippa, the National Volunteer coordinator and was whisked up stairs where I met Penny and Mike. Penny has been blind since birth and has a wonderful Guide Dog called Clova, a beautiful black lab. After a few introductions a blindfold was placed over my eyes and I was told I would be guided downstairs. Not being able to see and being told that you are being ‘assisted’ outside is pretty damn scary. I grabbed Mikes elbow and was told to follow his lead. I was weaved through doors, down stairs and finally outside. I was then given a cane and told to find the bench.

I've also done something myself for Lauren. I was so inspired and humbled by her amazing resolve that I want to do something for her. So my good deed is helping raise £500 to buy her a much needed iPad to finish University. I have created a gofundme account and if you so wish you are welcome to donate a little money to this incredible young woman for her and Goldie.
The link is http://www.gofundme.com/ncjdok